Changing voice: Activity 1

Two guards examined the BMW. → The BMW was examined by two guards.

Renoir painted the same road a few months later. → The same road was painted by Renoir a few months later.

His critics were attacking him on all sides. → He was being attacked by his critics on all sides.

Carrie kissed Jack. → Jack was kissed by Carrie.

PC Michael Packwood interviewed Mr Forty after the accident. → Mr. Forty was interviewed by PC Michael Packwood after the accident.

The words taunted her. → She was taunted by the words.

Mr. Howard underestimates the Prime Minister. → The Primer Minister is underestimated by Mr. Howard.

Egypt, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Morocco have signed the articles too. → The articles have been signed by Egypt, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Morocco too.


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